Welcome ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** WELCOME TO THE 1ST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE "CHILDREN AND YOUTH PERSPECTIVES, THEORY, RESE IN EUROPEAN CONTEXT" The Hosting institutions of the Conference are Charles University, Faculty of Humanities [ fhs.cuni.cz/FHSENG-1.html"] , Department of Psychology and Life Sciences, Faculty of Socia "https://fsv.cuni.cz/en"] , Department of Communication and Media Studies, Faculty of Arts www.ff.cuni.cz/home/"] , Institute of Czech Language and Theory of Communication and Kampu "https://www.kampushybernska.cz/en/campus-hybernska/"] . Date: 14th and 15th of September 2023 Place: Hybernská 4, 11000, Prague 1, Czech republic In terms of research, children and youth are traditionally treated as research subjects wh data in adult-centred categories on children’s themes, resulting in information about chil directed, analysed, and produced by adults in adult-centred views. The child-centred persp acknowledge, address and empower children’s voice and active agency considering children a agents with their experiences and perspectives that are relevant to society. Yet, traditio and related social policies on children and childhood still present barriers to child-cent inclusion, and active participation of children in democratic institutions and societies. More information about the conference here. [ URL "FHSCCP-10.html "] The Call for abstracts was closed on 31. March 2023. Thank you for all your submissions. Abstracts are now proceeding with the peer-review. Participants will be informed about the further organisational info at the end of April/Beginning of May 2023. Conference registration is possible for participants without presentations until 30. June "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd4On004mBhbrRBXpK3IlsM8tB6jkooJ3teh6q2BWaY7F--_ fbzx=5498589647289669705"] . The Keynote speakers of the Conference: Prof. Michal Molcho, Dept. of Children's Studies, NUI Galway who is a world-renowned exper Department of Children's Studies at NUI Galway in line with the UN Convention on the Right centred, multidisciplinary perspective. Prof. Kay Tisdall is Professor of Childhood Policy at the University of Edinburgh. She is part of the Childhood and Youth Studies at Moray House School of Education and Sport. Her policy human rights. She undertakes collaborative research with children, young people and adults pedagogy for young children, young people’s mental health, and children’s participation an countries ranging from Brazil, Canada, Eswatini, India, Palestine, and South Africa, funde Humanities Research Council, the European Commission, Global Challenges Research Fund, and Professor Marek Tesar is Head of School of Learning Development and Professional Practice, Education and Social Work, University of Auckland. He is also the director of Centre for G on early childhood education in both New Zealand as well as in cross-country contexts. His philosophy, pedagogy, methodology and curriculum, and draws on his background as a qualifi learned societies in his fields; he chairs the Steering Committee of the Reconceptualizing Philosophy of Education Society of Australasia (PESA). Marek’s scholarship and activism me lives of children and their childhoods in Aotearoa New Zealand and overseas. Since 2018, M experts to deliver a curriculum framework, and teaching and parenting programmes in China. to provide expertise on future research and development initiatives and programmes, and en Southeast Asia. Doctor Lenka Vochocová is a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Media Studies, Fa she graduated in journalism and media studies. Her research interests cover the fields of public sphere theories. She currently studies political participation in the social media deliberation, polarisation of the online public sphere and discursive exclusion of vulnera Gender expert chamber of the Czech Republic since 2015. She regularly participates as a pr domestic (Czech Science Foundation) and international projects (COST Action). Lenka is also member of the PolCoRe group: www.polcore.cz [ URL "http://www.polcore.cz/"]